Welcome to Coremail Mailbox
1. Coremail Webmail provide practical email service for you.
Receive and Send Emails,Auto reply/forward,Send Emails Regularly,Edit HTML Emails,Receive POP Mails,Email Magage Operations,Import/Export Contacts, Print Contacts,Contacts Administration,Multi-layer Folder Administration,Featured Personal Signature,Webmail colorful Interface,Customizable Page, Thread Mode Reading, Email Mark, User Self-service, Mail Recall, More service...
2. Coremail Mailbox provides Extreme Style interfact on Webmail,it bring you more enjoying interface and flexible operations.
Extreme Style Layout:

General feature description:
The pages are neat and terse.The design of integrated side column makes mail box more distinct to divide to these parts following:mailbox managing main feature area,contacts area,other folders,other mailbox and value-added feature service area.
Extreme Style feature operations:
1)Thread Mode Reading
Emails concerned with the same subject are got together,you search the email easily and batch these emails conveniently.
2)Search Result Category Administration
Afer users finish seaching operations,the system will sort and manage the results according to sends,folders,dates,priorities,and whether emails attach attachments.That is convenient for users to locate certain emails.
3)Email Mark
For important emails,you can click flag mark in front of emails on mail list page in Extreme Style.After you mark the email,subjuct and flag will turn to highlighted red.
4)Forwarding Email and One Address Displayed
When you forward email to more than one recipient,you can use Forwarding Email and One Address Displayed feature to make recipient see his own address only after receive your email.
5)Auto Saving Composing Email to Draft
When you are composing emails,the system will monitor the network and save the emails automatically.It can provide safeguard for composing email in the cases of electricity failure and computer crash.
6)Reminding of Sending Attachments
As long as users mention the content about "attachment" when they are composing,the system will give message to ask whether they need to add attachment.The simple and sweet tips can keep user from forgetting sending attachments.